Guest Speaker Experience / Presentations
Please contact our office at 678-880-3171, if you are interested in having
Matthew Malhiot as a Guest Speaker at your seminar.
Georgia Public Defender Standards Councii and The National College of DUI Defense
DUI Seminar (Presented on Intoxilyzer 9000)
Atlanta, Georgia
October 16, 2015
September 23-25, 2015
Texas DWI Lawyers: Association of DWI Defense Attorneys
Pure Science: Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing
September 23-25, 2015
Boerne, Texas
Institute of Judicial Continuing Education of Georgia
Municipal Judges Training
Toxicology / DUI (Presented on the Intoxilzyer 9000)
September 10-11, 2015
Athens, Georgia
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
DWI Training (Presented on the Intoxilyzer 9000)
Boerne, Texas
August 21, 2015
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
DWI Defense Project (Presented on Intoxilyzer 9000)
May 1, 2015
Dallas, TX
Colorado Criminal Defense Bar
2015 DUI Conference (Presented on Intoxilyzer 9000)
Breckenridge, Colorado
April 9-10, 2015
NCDD & TCDLA-- 22nd Annual Mastering Scientific Evidence in DUI/DWI Cases
(Presented on the Intoxilyzer 9000)
March 26 – 28, 2015
New Orleans, LA
2014 DUI Super Symposium | Mechanics of the Intoxilyzer 9000
Atlanta, Georgia
October 28, 2014
University of Georgia Institute of Continuing Judicial Education of Georgia | 2014 Municipal Court Judges' Toxicology / DUI Seminar | The Intoxilyzer 9000
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
September 4-5, 2014
DUI Bootcamp | Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Mike Hawkins | Intoxilyzer 9000 and How it Works
State Bar of Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
March 2014
Common Limitations & Errors with the Intoxilyzer 5000
Newnan, Georgia
December 2011
The Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers & Allen Trapp Present: DUI Boot Camp | State Bar of Georgia Headquarters. The Intoxilyzer® 5000 and How it Works
Atlanta, Georgia
October 2011
DUI Super Symposium: The Intoxilyzer 5000 and How it Works
Braselton, Georgia
August 2011
DODD (Defenders of Drinking Drivers) Winter Meeting. Forensic Breath Testing
McDonough, Georgia
January 2011
Forensic Breath Alcohol Analysis vs. Blood Alcohol Analysis and the Future Direction of Forensic Analysis in DUI Cases | Discussion Panel
University of North Florida, Institute of Police Technology and Management
Naples, Florida
June 2010
Forensic Breath Alcohol Analysis, Intoxilyzer 8000, Instrument Orientation and Interpreting Forensic Analytical Results
Panama City, Florida
March 2010
Forensic Breath Alcohol Analysis, Intoxilyzer 8000, Instrument Orientation and Interpreting Forensic Analytical Results | Attorney Training
Jacksonville, Florida
August 2009
Florida County Court Judge's Training | Forensic Alcohol Analysis and Interpreting Instrument Operation and Analytical Results | Standardized Field Sobriety Testing | Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus | The Medial Aspects of Impairment
St. Augustine, Florida
August 2009
Florida County Court Judge's Training
Forensic Alcohol Analysis and Interpreting Instrument Operation and Analytical Results | Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, The Medial Aspects of Impairment.
St. Augustine, Florida
August 2008
Forensic Breath Alcohol Analysis, Intoxilyzer 8000, Instrument Orientation and Interpreting Forensic Analytical Results- Attorney Training
Jacksonville, Florida
August 2008
University of North Florida, Institute of Police Technology and Management: Symposium on Alcohol and Drug Impaired Driving Enforcement, Forensic Breath Alcohol Analysis, Intoxilyzer 8000, Instrument Operation and Interpreting Forensic Analytical Results
June 2008
Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Training, Intoxilyzer 8000, Forensic Breath Alcohol Instrument Orientation and Interpreting Forensic Analytical Results
Ocala, Florida
March 2008
Attorney Training: Forensic Breath Alcohol Analysis, Intoxilyzer 8000, Instrument Orientation and Interpreting Forensic Analytical Results
Pensacola, Florida
August 2007
Attorney Training: Alcohol and the Human Body, Forensic Alcohol Toxicology, Retrograde Extrapolation
Panama City, Florida
July 2007
Environmental Occupational Effects on the Intoxilyzer 5000 and Forensic Breath Analysis
Intoxilzyer Users Group
August 2006
Ambient Temperature and Forensic Breath Analysis Instrumentation
Intoxilyzer®Users Group
August 2005
Infrared Light Absorption and the Tindal Effect in Breath Alcohol Analysis.
International Association of Chemical Testers
April 2005
Quality Control in Forensic Breath Alcohol Analysis and Breath Test Instrument Program Management
International Association of Chemical Testers
April 2004
DUI and Military Legal Issues, Forensic Alcohol Toxicology
Mayport Naval Base
March 2004